Goat Locker Real Estate
A Real Estate Investment and Education Distribution Company

By: Scott | March 16, 2019

10 Steps to Establish Business Credibility

You can dramatically increase your Business Credit approval ratings, by establishing a firm business foundation. Mismatched business records are one of the main reasons funding applications are denied.

  1. Business Name
  2. Business Address
  3. Business Entity
  4. Business Phone
  5. 411 Listing
  6. Website and Email
  7. EIN #
  8. Business License
  9. Business Bank Account/Merchant Account
  10. Verify all records match one-another perfectly!

By: Scott | March 05, 2019

1. Auto Expenses

2. Business association membership dues

3.  Children on Payroll 

4.  Computers and tech supplies

5.  Continuing education for yourself to maintain licensing and improve skills

6.  Conventions and trade shows

7.  Dining and Office food 

8.  Education and training for employees

9.  Exhibits for publicity

10.  Furniture or fixtures

11.  Gifts for customers ($25 deduction limit for each)

12.  Health Savings Account

13.  Home office

14.  Internet hosting and services

15.  Investment advice and fees

16.  License fees

17.  Mortgage interest on business property

18.  Pension plans

19.  Prizes for contests

20.  Real estate-related ex...

Category: Business Development 

Tags: Taxes 

By: Scott | February 27, 2019

Whom do you want to serve?

Steps to determining your target market

What is a Target Market?

A particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed.

Things to consider when determining your target market

  • Who are you wanting to serve?

  • What are their characteristics & interests?

  • Where do these people go?

  • Be specific, if you are too broad, no one will be driven to respond
  • Be unique, you want to try to serve markets that are under-served

Steps to Determining Your Target Market

1. Pick the Type of person you want to focus on: Generally speaking there are 3 types of people, I call them The People of Walmart, Target and Nordstrom. (These are just generalizations for demonstration and understanding, you can choose to define them differently)

Walmart- They are struggling financially, they live on a budget and have little to no disposable income. They are willing to sacrifice quality for cost
•Target- They are conscious of what they spend but can afford to splurge a little, they may live on a budget, and they tend to have some disposable income. They are willing to pay a little more for a better quality/name brand.
Nordstrom- They are well off, have no need for a budget, and have disposable income. They will usually choose quality/name brand over price

2. Define your ideal client: You know the type of person you want to focus on, now define the details about them.

·  Where do they spend their free time?
·  Where do they shop?
·  Where do they work?
·  Who do they hang out with?
·  Where are they in their life?

3.  Pick the Sales Market you want to focus on: There are 3 primary markets that people buy from, with in these Markets there are several other sub market, which we will discuss shortly

·  Health
·  Wealth
·  Relationships

4.  Pick the Submarket you want to focus on: There are several different submarkets for each Primary Market, some of them will cross over between different markets. Here are a few examples of submarkets for each primary market.










Weight Loss

Real Estate


Strength Training



Natural Medicine

Online Business

Dating Advice

5.  Bring the pieces together to define your Target Market(s): Here are some examples of Target Markets

·  Disabled veterans looking to build online businesses
·  Single Parents looking for passive income
·  Investors looking for a community of likeminded individuals
·  New parents looking for potty training advice
·  Young families looking to buy their first home
·  Individuals looking to increase muscle tone

Category: Business Development 


By: Scott | February 23, 2019

In our last video we introduced you to a concept called Velocity Banking, in this video we explain why it works!

By: Scott | February 08, 2019

Today Scott will introduce you to the concept of Velocity Banking. Learn how you can pay off your debt, faster then you thought was possible, by simply leveraging different banking products against each other. Part 2
